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Frequently Asked Questions

Left 4 Dead/ Left 4 Dead 2



Does SunLit have L4D / L4D2 Servers?

We have 2 servers for your enjoyment. Left 4 Dead 2 SunLit Apocalypse Left 4 Dead SunLit Mall

How do we play on the SunLit Servers instead of winding up on some random server through the matchmaking system?

There are two quick ways to find the SunLit servers. 1) Steam Group Menu Join the public SunLit SteamGroup You will then be able to access the servers directly through the Play Campaign --> Play on Steam Group Server or the scrolling Steam Group Servers Menus 2) Add the Sunlit server ips to the Favourite tab in the Left 4 Dead Steam Browser * Enable Console or for you Euros bind "F10" "toggleconsole" * type in console "openserverbrowser" or you can bind the browser to a key in the autoexec.cfg bind "key" "openserverbrowser" You may or not see servers in the Internet or Custom Tabs However, you can add the SunLit servers to your Favourites or after you have joined them once, you will be able to find them under the History Tab

Is there anything I need to add to an autoexec.cfg for optimum game performance?

Left 4 Dead follows the console game model of enforced default settings for the client. However, the following can be added to an autoexec.cfg //connection rate "30000" cl_cmdrate "40" cl_updaterate "30" cl_timeout 120 //since the Jan 23 2009 update con_enable "1" bind "`" "toggleconsole" // enables console BindToggle "key" net_graph // toggles net_graph 1 on and off bind "key" "openserverbrowser" // opens Steam server browser

How can we create a lobby AND stay on the SunLit servers?

The SunLit Mall server has the sv_search_key enabled To create a lobby 1. Start up L4D. 2. Go to console, enter sv_search_key slzm. Close Console 3. Select Play Campaign or Play Versus 4. Select Play with Friends (if you're trying to get all your friends into the lobby first before adding more people) 5. Create Lobby 6. Select type (Campaign or Versus) 7. Set options then click Create Lobby 8. Have your friends join 9. Select Permissions, set to Public Game 10. Wait for others to join 11. Once it's full, hit start game. You won't be able to start the game in versus mode unless there are 2 players in the lobby. You will then be assigned to your dedicated server(s) with the same key. 12. To switch game modes requires a return to the Main Menu. Repeat steps 2 - 11. The new game will start from the lobby and still at your server **UPDATE April 26, 2010*** sv_search_key is working again Please add the following to your autoexec.cfg bind "key" "sv_search_key slzm" You can also connect to a SunLit lobby by using the following: Left 4 Dead bind "key" "mm_dedicated_force_servers," Left 4 Dead 2 bind "key" "mm_dedicated_force_server,,"

How can I access the "old style" server browser ?

Three methods - Open console and type in openserverbrowser - bind "key" "openserverbrowser" in your autoexec.cfg - add -serverbrowser to the Left4Dead Launch Options field This last method adds the option of Server Browser to the Menu GUI

How can I force the matchmaking system to find servers with 100 ping or less?

How can I force the matchmaking system to find servers with 100 ping or less? sv_search_max_ping 100 You can add this line to the L4D Launch Option OR Log onto L4D Select Play Campaign or Play Versus Search for lobby and cross your fingers that you get to be the Lobby Leader Wait for players to join Open ConsoleType in console sv_search_max_ping 100 Close Console Start Game **update Dec 2009** Apparently the default search will be for servers < 150 ping

Is there a way to make the players' names (target id) smaller on the screen?

Yes for L4D only You can do so by editing the "TargetID" parameters in the Clientscheme.res file Default is "tall" "16" \Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead\resource\Clientscheme.res // purposely NOT using resolution overrides "TargetID" { "1" { "name" "Trade Gothic" "tall" "16" "weight" "700" "antialias" "1" } }

The flashing lighthouse in the L4D menu screen (04/21/09) gives me a headache. Is there a way to use the old background?

Navigate to the following folder Steam\SteamApps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead\media For restoration purposes, make copies of l4d_background.bik and l4d_lighthouse_bg01.bik Rename l4d_lighthouse_bg01.bik to something else like l4d_lighthouse_bg01_BU.bik Change the name of l4d_background.bik to l4d_lighthouse_bg01.bik. The menu is now the original.

How can I change the L4D crosshair style and colour?

L4D allows for a default and "color blind" scheme for crosshair colour through the Options; Multiplayer; Color Blind menu You can also change the crosshair characteristics manually in an autoexec.cfg file A static crosshair cl_crosshair_dynamic 0 // default 1 To change the crosshair thickness: cl_crosshair_thickness # //default is 2, the higher the number, the thicker the crosshair To change colors use the RGB scale 0 - 255: The default crosshair colour cl_crosshair_blue "220" cl_crosshair_green "182" cl_crosshair_red "138" For a green crosshair, set it to cl_crosshair_blue 0 cl_crosshair_red 0 cl_crosshair_green 255 To change crosshair transparency: cl_crosshair_alpha # //255 default The default is completely solid. The lower the number the more transparent the crosshair. cl_crosshair_alpha "255" //(default 255) cl_crosshair_red "138" //(default 138) cl_crosshair_green "182" //(default 182) cl_crosshair_blue 220" //(default 220) cl_crosshair_thickness "2" //(default 2) cl_crosshair_dynamic "1" //(accuracy/recoil autosizing - default 1)

I see custom maps on the servers but I can't join.

L4D / L4D2 does not support in game custom downloads. In order to play on a custom map, you must have it previously installed and it must eb the same version as playing on the server. You can download any custom maps playing on the SunLit servers from the Downloads section. Left 4 Dead Maps Left 4 Dead2 Maps

A player /bot was kicked and a new bot did not spawn in. Now a new player is unable to join. What can I do?

Open console and type in "sb_add" or you can add to your autoexec.cfg bind "key" "sb_add"

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