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Frequently Asked Questions

Day of Defeat: Source



What are conventions of game play in SunLit DODS server?

Many of the new custom maps have exploits. None of them have spawn protection. We are all learning the maps and mistakes can happen. If an admin asks you to stop using an exploit or spawn killing, please comply. Please refrain from: Entering the opponents spawn Nading into the spawn Killing players as they spawn in Going "under" the map Roofing You can read more about the SunLit Admin and Protocols here

DOD:S Servers

IPs: We run one public DODS servers, SunLit Futurama You can find the ip here Futurama 28 slot public servers FF ON, Alltalk Off, Freezecam Off Custom Maps Class Limits Autodownloads Location: Chicago Network: 100MB/s, Peer 1 backbone Operating System: Windows 2003 Server Processor: Dual Xeon 2.8 Ghz Hard Drive Size: 80 GB RAM: 2 GB DDR

What is a tickrate?

Nice technical explanation from Valve How this relates to the source dedicated server here

How have the servers been optimized ?

//command lines -tickrate 66 +srcdsfpsboost +fps_max 600 //DODS Server Cfg //Bonus Round Minimal dod_bonusround 1 dod_bonusroundtime 1 dod_enableroundwaittime 1 dod_freezecam 0 dod_friendlyfiresafezone 50 //Server rate and file consistency settings sv_cheats 0 sv_client_cmdrate_difference 20 sv_client_max_interp_ratio 2 sv_client_min_interp_ratio 1 sv_consistency 1 sv_gravity 800 sv_maxcmdrate 100 sv_maxspeed 320 sv_maxrate 25000 sv_maxupdaterate 100 sv_mincmdrate 60 sv_minrate 10000 sv_minupdaterate 60 sv_pausable 0 sv_secure 1 Source MetaMod 1.8.4/SourceMod 1.3.4 Stats on - log once per map No sounds, ads or decals SOD stats, rank, top10, session

What custom content is available to download for DODS at SunLit ?

- Custom Maps - Custom Crosshairs
- Custom Huds -transparent death message backgrounds, small fonts, w/o stats

How can I get rid of the Victory Music and the new achievement rivalry sounds ?

Add the following to your autoexec.cfg //SOUND dod_playwinmusic 0 dod_playrivalrysounds 0 dod_playachievementsound 0

Disable AutoDownload of Plugin Sounds

Some servers download sound files as part of their plugins. Stop the sounds but not custom maps from downloading Add to your autoexec.cfg cl_downloadfilter "nosounds"

My crosshair settings keep returning to default.

Add your preference to the autoexec.cfg tol keep your xhair size. 32 is considered the start point and scale down from there. cl_crosshair_scale 32

Disable Opening Valve Video

Add tothe launch options under Play games/ DoD:Source/ Properties/Launch Options -novid

Custom Spray Logos for Source

Source allows the use of larger files and in bmp or jpg format Sprays for Source in General Transparent Background Sprays for Source Animated Sprays Its also possible to simply import jpg or bmp files through the Option menu for those not inclined to create their own files. The files are converted to .vtf and placed in the dod/materials/VGUI/logos and dod/materials/VGUI/logos/UI directories You can add a line to your autoexec.cfg file to call a particular spray cl_logofile "materials/vgui/logos/logoname.vtf"

Missing Textures, Invisible Players, Unexpected stutter ????????

Lots of probable causes. One possible source is a corrupt file in the gcf To verify the dod:s gcf With Steam Running, click on Steam Icon in your system tray. Right click on Day of Defeat: Source Click on Properties ---> Local Files Click on Verify Integrity of Game Cache Click on Defragment Cache Files This will verify and repair any problems in the gcf.

How do I make and view a demo?

Recording a Demo Manually During Warm Up Pulldown the Console Type in record matchname1 Submit At the end of the round pull down console type in stop Submit Repeat for the second round record matchname2 Submit Stop at end of the round. The demo is recorded as matchname.dem and found in your root dod directory. You can view it by starting up DOD:S -->Splash Screen Open the Console Type in Console playdemo matchname and it will play. The fast forward and rewind do not work in source at this time.

A Script for Sequential Demos

This will record up to 10 demos. After a match, rename the demos to what you want and save them in a folder for 2 weeks as per league rules. Every key strike will either start or stop the demo. The 11th demo will overwrite the first. Add to your autoexec.cfg: alias rec "demo1" alias demo1 "record demo1; say_team Recording demo 1; alias rec enddemo1" alias enddemo1 "say_team End recording demo 1; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo2" alias demo2 "record demo2; say_team Recording demo 2; alias rec enddemo2" alias enddemo2 "say_team End recording demo 2; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo3" alias demo3 "record demo3; say_team Recording demo 3; alias rec enddemo3" alias enddemo3 "say_team End recording demo 3; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo4" alias demo4 "record demo4; say_team Recording demo 4; alias rec enddemo4" alias enddemo4 "say_team End recording demo 4; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo5" alias demo5 "record demo5; say_team Recording demo 5; alias rec enddemo5" alias enddemo5 "say_team End recording demo 5; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo6" alias demo6 "record demo6; say_team Recording demo 6; alias rec enddemo6" alias enddemo6 "say_team End recording demo 6; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo7" alias demo7 "record demo7; say_team Recording demo 7; alias rec enddemo7" alias enddemo7 "say_team End recording demo 7; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo8" alias demo8 "record demo8; say_team Recording demo 8; alias rec enddemo8" alias enddemo8 "say_team End recording demo 8; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo9" alias demo9 "record demo9; say_team Recording demo 9; alias rec enddemo9" alias enddemo9 "say_team End recording demo 9; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo10" alias demo10 "record demo10; say_team Recording demo 10; alias rec enddemo10" alias enddemo10 "say_team End recording demo 10; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo1" bind "yourkeyhere" "rec"

My favourites list keeps disappearing? What can I do ?

1. Start dod : Source 2. Click on "Find Servers" 3. Click on the "Favourites" tab 4. Click on the "Change Filters" button 5. Drop down the "Anti-cheat" list and select "Secure" 6. Quit dod : Source 7. Start up dod : Source again 8. Click on "Find Servers" 9. Click on the "Favourites" tab 10. Click on the "Refresh" button"

How do I get rid of the Spectator Graininess Effect ?

You can turn it off in Options --> Multiplayer --> Advanced It may not stay deselected To permananently turn it off: In your day of defeat source/dod/cfg folder You will see a file autoexec.cfg If you dont have one, make it Open Notepad Copy and paste in the following lines cl_enabledeatheffects 0 // Enable/disable death camera effects cl_enabledeathfilmgrain 0 // Enable/disable the death camera film grain cl_enablespectatoreffects 0 // Enable/disable spectator camera effects mat_filmgrain "0" //enable/disable film grain in-game (live game) Save as autoexec.cfg in txt format

Why do I suicide on class change?

The June 28, 2006 update has made suicide default You can deselect in Options ---> Multiplayer --> Advanced or add the following to your autoexec.cfg hud_classautokill 0 // change class without suicide

How do I turn off the Vote Progress Menu that appears just below my crosshair?

Type the word "settings" in chat (default "y" key). Press the number key corresponding to the Vote Progress Menu to turn this function off. You only need to do this once and your preference is stored in a data file.

Every server out there has BOTS ! How can I tell if there are bots without actually loggin in?

SunLit Games servers will never have bots. But for those who want to hunt down some noobs ;) To identify servers with bots, although not how many. Click on Find Servers in Steam Menu 1. Open up the Servers list. 2. Find the shield and padlock icons next to the word Servers above the list. 3. Right-click the shield/padlock 4. Select Bots. 5. All servers with Bots now have a yellow-B next to it. Another useful tool is HLSW- HL Server Watch This free program identifies which server has bots AND how many of the "full" slots are actual bots from the main browser menu. No need to view server properties or info. Click for Example If there are parentheses, there are bots 14 (26) / 32 Translates as the being 14 real players and (26) - 14 = 12 bots on a 32 man server

I've alt tabbed out and now have invisible players, players with wrong skins or other visual oddities

Visual problems fix You got lagged or you alt-tabbed out of game and you got a visual problems? That is fix for misplaced items, players holding wrong weapons, invisible players.Add this bind to your autoexec.cfg bind "key" "record fix; stop"

My "net_graph 3" is huge has too much information. What's wrong?

The OrangeBox engine has a new netgraph. Net_graph 3 produces the multiple graphs. Net_graph 1 is the cvar for the old style but no longer shows loss and choke . They have been replaced by LERP.

What is LERP?

"The Source netgraph now includes "lerp" indicator which shows the actual interpolation amount (usually 100 msec unless the server or user is forcing non-default settings). The indicator will turn yellow if the server's framerate (actual framerate on the remote machine) drops below this interval. This can be used to figure out why all of the objects in the world are no longer moving smoothly. In addition, the indicator will turn orange if the user or server has tuned the ConVars such that the interpolation amount is less than 2 / updaterate. This indicates that if there is any packet loss (or possibly choke if the choke is occurring for long periods of time due to large packets being sent over a low bandwidth rate setting) that the player will likely see sluggishness in the game." In other words, the 'Lerp' stat is basically the hitbox delay between you, the server, and other other players, having this balanced out or synched with the server is very important.

How do I optimize my LERP?

New Source (OrangeBox) Engine Games (DOD:S, TF2, HL2: EP2) Lower is better, white and yellow better than orange or red. Try the following lines into the autoexec.cfg in the games/cfg directory: cl_cmdrate "67" cl_updaterate "67" cl_interp ".033" cl_interp_ratio "1" rate "30000" An interesting video of LERP and how it affects registration.

After the April 2011 update, helmets and boots are washed out or white. How do I fix this?

Add this to your autoexec.cfg r_worldlights 0

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