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Frequently Asked Questions


The default DOD xhair is way too big and gets in the way of the target.


DOD provides the option to use a custom xhair. In Options --> Multiplayer --> Advanced , uncheck the "Use dynamic xhair" box. In your console type cl_xhair_style 1 You will now see an intensely red, smaller, static crosshair. There are various sets of custom xhairs available on line. The CAL custom xhairs are probably the most commonly used. To use them - in the config.cfg find cl_dynamic_xhair "1" and change it to "0" - Add the customxhair_CAL.spr to the dod/sprite directory - Rename it customxhair.spr You access the different styles by the console command cl_xhair_style "1" all the way up to 16 cl_xhair_style "0" returns you to the default red cross. To toggle through all the available crosshairs Make sure the last line of config.cfg is exec userconfig.cfg Then in userconfig.cfg bind "k" "xtog" and add the following lines: alias xtog "xtog1" alias xtog0 "vid_d3d 1; cl_xhair_style 0; alias xtog xtog1" alias xtog1 "vid_d3d 0; cl_xhair_style 1; alias xtog xtog2" alias xtog2 "vid_d3d 0; cl_xhair_style 2; alias xtog xtog3" alias xtog3 "vid_d3d 0; cl_xhair_style 3; alias xtog xtog4" alias xtog4 "vid_d3d 0; cl_xhair_style 4; alias xtog xtog5" alias xtog5 "vid_d3d 0; cl_xhair_style 5; alias xtog xtog6" alias xtog6 "vid_d3d 0; cl_xhair_style 6; alias xtog xtog7" alias xtog7 "vid_d3d 1; cl_xhair_style 7; alias xtog xtog8" alias xtog8 "vid_d3d 0; cl_xhair_style 8; alias xtog xtog9" alias xtog9 "vid_d3d 1; cl_xhair_style 9; alias xtog xtog10" alias xtog10 "vid_d3d 1; cl_xhair_style 10; alias xtog xtog11" alias xtog11 "vid_d3d 1; cl_xhair_style 11; alias xtog xtog12" alias xtog12 "vid_d3d 1; cl_xhair_style 12; alias xtog xtog13" alias xtog13 "vid_d3d 1; cl_xhair_style 13; alias xtog xtog14" alias xtog14 "vid_d3d 1; cl_xhair_style 14; alias xtog xtog15" alias xtog15 "vid_d3d 1; cl_xhair_style 15; alias xtog xtog16" alias xtog16 "vid_d3d 0; cl_xhair_style 16; alias xtog xtog0"

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