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Frequently Asked Questions


Configuration File: what is it and how to use it ?


When you assign keys in the Options menu, Half-Life saves your preferences in the config.cfg file. A custom configuration file is simply a permanent *.txt file, created with a text editing application (Notepad, Wordpad), containing a "list" of your favourite commands.They can be as simple as binding a key to an single action or command(s), changing the value of game variables (cvars) , executing scripts or making aliases. * Change Variables: //To brighten up the darker maps, reduce these cvars to 2.0 or 1.5 texgamma "2.0" lightgamma "2.0" Keys that can be bound are: alt, ctrl, del, downarrow, end, f1-f12 (function keys), home, ins, escape, enter, leftarrow, pause, pgup, pgdn, return, rightarrow, shift, space, tab, uparrow, CapsLock kp_minus, *, kp_slash, kp_plus, kp_enter, kp_del, kp_ins, kp_5, kp_leftarrow, kp_rightarrow, kp_uparrow, kp_downarrow, kp_home, kp_pgup, kp_pgdn, kp_end * A Bind: Binds assign an action to a specific key in the format: bind [key] [command] So in order to turn Netgraph on and off with a keystroke add: bind "key" "net_graph 3" bind "key" "net_graph 0" *fast weapon switch hud_fastswitch 1 bind "key" "slot1" *chat binds bind "key" "say_team Sorry for the tk" *stop the sounds bind "key" "stopsound"

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