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Frequently Asked Questions


How can I make my own *.vtf and *.vmt files?


Adding a custom Map List photos for DODS or TF2 ( this faq built upon 1. Use MrMuffinMan's tutorial to take a good picture of your map. You can add the following binds to your autoexec.cfg for efficency DODS: // spectator screenshot without hud or orders bind "key" "hidepanel all" TF2 // spectator screenshot without hud bind "key" "hidepanel all bind "key" "sv_cheats 1;cl_drawhud 0" 2. Download this template and open it in your desired photo editor. 3. Resize your map screenshot jpg (128x96) and copy and paste onto the black area of the template. 4. Save the picture as menu_thumb_mapname.jpg (Note: the mapname must be exactly as your map is called on its filename, underscores and all). 5. Use VTFEdit or a similar Photoshop plugin to convert this file to a .vtf To use the standalone VTFedit: Install VTFedit Create a shortcut on the desktop. Drop the menu_thumb_mapname.jpg onto the shortcut It will open up a menu Click on OK Then put checkmarks in No Mip Map and No Level of Detail. This is to avoid blurriness for those computers using low graphic settings Save as menu_thumb_mapname.vtf 6. Create the matching *.vmt file Create a file in notepad with the following contents, once again replacing mapname with the full name of your map. "UnlitGeneric" { "$basetexture" "vgui\maps\menu_thumb_mapname" "$translucent" 1 "$ignorez" 1 "$vertexcolor" 1 } Save this file as menu_thumb_mapname.vmt 7. Move both the *.vtf and *.vmt to: team fortress 2/tf/materials/vgui/maps/ or day of defeat source/dod/materials/vgui/maps/ creating the necessary folders if you don't have them. 8. Load up the game and look for a server running this map Note: These files can not be "pakratted" into the *.bsp. They will have to be included seperately for map downloads from a web site and with a *res file for in game downloads.

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