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Frequently Asked Questions


How do we play on the SunLit Servers instead of winding up on some random server through the matchmaking system?


There are two quick ways to find the SunLit servers. 1) Steam Group Menu Join the public SunLit SteamGroup You will then be able to access the servers directly through the Play Campaign --> Play on Steam Group Server or the scrolling Steam Group Servers Menus 2) Add the Sunlit server ips to the Favourite tab in the Left 4 Dead Steam Browser * Enable Console or for you Euros bind "F10" "toggleconsole" * type in console "openserverbrowser" or you can bind the browser to a key in the autoexec.cfg bind "key" "openserverbrowser" You may or not see servers in the Internet or Custom Tabs However, you can add the SunLit servers to your Favourites or after you have joined them once, you will be able to find them under the History Tab

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