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Frequently Asked Questions


How do I change may name in game for OrangeBox Games Day of Defeat Source and Team Fortress2?


There are several methods: 1) In game, open the friends overlay (Shift+Tab) and click 'View' -> 'Settings' you can change you name pemanently over a map change. 2) use console command- setinfo name "name" - this will last only for that map and needs to be retyped 3) add to your autoexec- bind "key" "setinfo name yournamehere" - add to your autoexec- bind "key" "exec name.cfg" , where the name.cfg contains the name you want for that circumstance. For instance, bind "kp_5" "exec name_pub.cfg" and bind "kp_leftarrow" "exec name_league.cfg" 4 ) f you want to have spaces in your name this is what I had to do: Make a separate cfg file for the first name with spaces in it: name1.cfg and add this to it: setinfo name "=ligs= Cpt. Jack" Make a separate cfg file for the second name with the spaces in it: name2.cfg setinfo name "Some Other Name" add this to your autoexec.cfg file: bind "F11" "name1" alias name1 "exec name1.cfg; bind F11 name2" alias name2 "exec name2.cfg; bind F11 name1" 5) Use the Name Enabler plugin The newest version 0.5 also automatically adds a name field in the advanced options in multiplayer tab.

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