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Diablo III Starter Edition & Guest Pass  Bottom


    "Considering that many gamers have waited almost a decade for Diablo 3, it is safe to assume that many have already pre-purchased the game or are planning to attend the launch events. Either way if you’ve got a friend who’s still on the fence or has no clue as to why the game is such a big deal, Blizzard has officially announced the Diablo 3 Starter Edition & Guest Pass. The Starter Edition will allow players to play until a level cap of 13 in the game and will make it all the way until the Skeleton King quest in Act I. They will not be able to access the Real Money Auction House either. The Guest Pass will essentially give players the same thing, but the Guest Pass can only be provided by those who purchased the box copy of Diablo 3 (much like the World of Warcraft guest passes). However if you weren’t invited to downloaded the game via the Guest Pass, the Starter Edition will only be made available for download 30 days (June 15 2012) after the game launches"

  • So is the multiplayer coop or real multiplayer?
  • it appears to be 4 man coop in PvE
    PvP is not yet available

    All moot as launch errors appear to be nasty
    I learned my lesson with BRINK and will wait until the dust settles ;)

  • Took almost 2 hours to get on after launch because so many people were trying. Then after I got on, I couldn't make a character because I kept getting an error that they said could be fixed by port forwarding. I very rarely have to port forward thanks to UPnP / NAT-PMP, but forwarding the ports seems to have worked. I've been playing for about 5 hours and it has played fine so far. I don't have any complaints yet, but I've already hit level 10 and then made a hardcore mode character which is now level 11, so I will probably have some complaints after my character dies. lol

    Oh yeah, apparently digital downloaders don't get any guest passes to hand out, so that sucks.

    Edit 2: Yeah, it's a mess right now. Servers have been taken down for emergency maintenance all throughout the day. Definitely wait a while before getting it.

    <em>Edited by Monkeydrummer on May 15, 2012 - 09:18 PM.</em>
  • Killed the bad guy -

    Still cant decide if I want to buy the game.
  • [quote=redo]Killed the bad guy -

    Still cant decide if I want to buy the game.[/quote]

    I still can't decide if I "like" it either and the Blizzard account vulnerability is concerning
    Maybe wait until it goes on sale or at least until they tighten up account security

  • Ya, it was enjoyable enough but would be much more fun playing with or better yet against friends. If you could put a squad of friends together and play another group of people I'd pay the price in a second.
  • Ok, I'll buy it.
  • I'd recommend getting an Aunthenticator too given the horror stories in the Diablo3 forums
    Since you are in the States, it should only cost you the $6.95 or if you have a smart phone, the app is free.
  • Authenticator is a PITA. I need to put my bifocals back on every time I use it LOL
    The Witch doctor is fun though :)
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